Thursday, August 23, 2012

Art Protesters

Protest against the European policies of austerity against Portugal and against
the existing government, which extinguished the Ministry of Culture and is increasingly impoverishing the Portuguese people. Art galleries and artists aren't selling and we are in a critical situation.This project includes the destruction of 10 pieces of each artist.

 "On the situation of fellow artists and culture in Portugal and an old dream, beyond all boundaries to act together as artists for me was the opportunity as a Visual Artist from Germany, to support Art Protesters project with a group of 10 pieces:

- To enforce better working and living conditions for all artists,
- Against frivolous neglect and abandonment of existing structures by politics and economics, in Portugal - in Europe - everywhere in the world.
For each artist, it should be mandatory to never give up and keep going against all odds - that's my little message after the beep:

Brigitte Dunkel 2012"

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